ASP.NET Core MVC VS Blazor

When it comes to web development in the .NET ecosystem, there are two prominent frameworks to consider: ASP.NET Core MVC and Blazor. Learn key advantages for each framework and why you would choose one over the other.

When it comes to web development in the .NET ecosystem, there are two prominent frameworks to consider: ASP.NET Core MVC and Blazor. Let us go over some key advantages for each framework and why you would choose one over the other.


  1. Mature and Stable: ASP.NET Core MVC has been around for a longer time, making it a mature and stable framework. It’s well-established with a vast community and extensive documentation.
  2. Flexibility: MVC provides flexibility in terms of front-end technologies. It allows developers to use different client-side frameworks or libraries like Angular, React, or Vue.js alongside the server-side code.
  3. Separation of Concerns: MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern ensures a clear separation of concerns. This separation makes code easier to manage and maintain.
  4. Robustness: ASP.NET Core MVC is known for its robustness in building large-scale applications. It offers powerful features for handling complex applications and enterprise-level requirements.


  1. Single Language for Frontend and Backend: Blazor allows developers to build interactive web UIs using C# and .NET, enabling full-stack development with a single language and framework. This can improve developer productivity and code sharing between client and server.
  2. Web Assembly Support: Blazor Web Assembly enables running C# code directly in the browser using Web Assembly. This means that applications can run in the browser at near-native speeds without requiring plugins or additional software installations.
  3. Native Application Feel: Because of Blazor’s single page application features, developers can create web applications that feel and run like a native application. In Web Assembly, Blazor offers a PWA (progressive web application) feature. Allowing users to run the web application without opening their default browser. Creating your own taskbar or desktop Icon to open your application.
  4. Component-Based Architecture: Blazor uses a component-based architecture like modern front-end frameworks like React or Angular. This enables building reusable UI components, leading to easier maintenance and scalability.
  5. Real-Time Updates: Blazor supports real-time communication between the client and server, allowing for dynamic updates without needing to reload the entire page. This is facilitated through features like Signal R integration.

Choosing Between Them:

The choice between ASP.NET Core MVC and Blazor depends on a range of factors:

  • Existing Skillset: If developers are more comfortable with traditional MVC patterns and technologies like JavaScript frameworks, ASP.NET Core MVC might be preferred. On the other hand, Blazor is a great choice for C# developers with little to no JavaScript experience.
  • Performance and Interactivity: For applications requiring high interactivity and responsiveness, especially those benefiting from Web Assembly or real-time updates such as chats, live notifications, or ecommerce, Blazor could be a better fit.
  • Scope of the project: Projects only requiring several pages with simple business logic would benefit from Blazor’s component-based architecture and single page application feel. However, large-scale applications requiring heavy processing and deep customization, ASP.NET Core MVC would likely be a better fit.

In summary, ASP.NET Core MVC is a well-established framework suitable for traditional web development with flexibility in front-end technologies, while Blazor introduces innovative capabilities for full-stack C# development and interactive, client-side web applications. The choice ultimately depends on the specific project requirements and the development team’s preferences and expertise.