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11 Unexpected Ways to Manage Chromebook Files
11 Unexpected Ways to Manage Chromebook Files Chromebooks have been around for over a decade now, but at the beginning, they weren’t intended for file management, with the original Chromebooks not even having a Files app. Copying or moving data, finding files or...
What Are Workers’ Rights in the Face of Employee Monitoring?
What Are Workers’ Rights in the Face of Employee Monitoring? As the use of technology in our everyday lives continues to increase, it’s no surprise that any legislation surrounding that technology is constantly lagging behind. After all, it’s usually impossible to...
Can Technology Reverse the Workforce – Depleting ‘Great Resignation’ of 2021?
Can Technology Reverse the Workforce – Depleting ‘Great Resignation’ of 2021? Although remote and other technology appears to be an underlying cause of the 2021 “Great Resignation,” it may also hold the key to a“Great Return.” Many believed the mass exodus from the...
What Is Apple Business Essentials?
Apple Business Essentials A little more than a year ago, Apple acquired a platform called Fleetsmith with the intention of using it to create business management software. Now, that goal has finally come to fruition with the release of Apple’s Business Essentials in...
M365 Cross-Cloud and Cross-Tenant Collaboration
With more customers coming on board and using M365 services, they need to continue their collaborations across the boundaries. Today, many cross-cloud scenarios are enabled, with more coming in the future.
Microsoft & Meta Partner to Integrate Teams and Workplace for Easier Collaboration
Microsoft & Meta Partner to Integrate Teams and Workplace for Easier Collaboration Competing Social Software Giants Offer Customer-Requested Consolidation of the Two Applications’ Best Features Workplace stated in May 2021 that it has reached a milestone of 7 million...
Microsoft Ends Basic Authentication Support
Microsoft has warned that it will no longer be providing Basic Authentication after October 2022. Every app, program, or service that uses Basic Authentication to access Exchange Online will not work once the protocol is no longer in service.