Realized Solutions focuses greatly on cyber security and the device health of our clients, and one of our main tools to provide our security services is Microsoft 365. Microsoft 365 provides us administrators limitless configuration and various security protocols to ensure our clients can be as productive and cyber-safe as possible. Along with this, Microsoft 365 allows us to granularly control permissions to eliminate unauthorized access.
One essential aspect of Microsoft 365 is Mobile Device Management (MDM). MDM is a protocol where we can develop policies that block devices from gaining access to company resources if they are not compliant. For example, if a new employee in your company needs to gain access to email on their phone, we could apply a policy that would ensure that their phone is compliant with your standards before they can access company email or applications. Examples of standards would include, the phone being up to date, requiring the phone to have a passcode, or if the phone is jailbroken. Having the ability to block devices like these from company access verifies that no malicious devices can gain access to your resources. We at Realized Solutions utilize this protocol to ensure our client networks remain healthy and compliant in all aspects.
Currently, we have an employee working towards earning the Microsoft 365 Security Administrator certification to assist RSI in becoming even more advanced in our security measures. Throughout their study, they have considered many different protocols Microsoft 365 provides and how they would benefit all RSI clients. One item that stood out is the Privileged Identity Management (PIM). The protocol allows administrators to limit access to certain resources within a company, set a time limit to how long certain users can access certain resources, and require users to provide a business justification to access selected resources. Having control over users ensures that no one has access to anything they are not supposed to. PIM also allows for access reviews across a Microsoft Tenant. The access reviews show what resources are being accessed with privileged rights and allows administrators to remove privileged rights where they are not needed. This reduces the possibility of an employee using their privileged rights for malicious intent. These are just a few of PIM’s advanced security protocols, and we believe as the clients of Realized Solutions integrate this to their day-to-day workflow, they will see exceptional results in security.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business manage authorization via Microsoft 365.